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Down The Anxiety Hole (EN)

Elle Aleph Season 1 Episode 6

We are anxious beings by nature but society cultivates that Anxiety and weaponizes it to manipulate and control. 

However, Anxiety's primal function is to help us adapt. Its role is to be irrational, to feed us with the worst outcomes, the worst case scenarios, so that we fire up our protest behavior and survive.

Through life you will experience moments of hardships, fear, scarcity and that will make you anxious. Don't let these challenges define who you are. Whenever you feel stuck in an anxious environment, remember you have Self Mastery, you wield the power to CREATE.

So why waste your time obsessing over the things you cannot control, learn how to let go and lean in.

If you are someone who struggles with anxiety, I hope this episode brings you peace of mind and a new perspective on what's anxiety and how to deal with it. 

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